In Kuriga town of Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State, pandemonium ensued when bandits invaded LEA Primary School, Kuriga, and abducted dozens of pupils. Although the exact number of abducted persons could not be ascertained as of press time, residents estimated it to be around 100. Several years ago, the junior and secondary school had relocated to the school building inside Kuriga town due to security concerns, abandoning their former location outside the town. A resident named Shitu confirmed the incident, revealing that many pupils fled their classrooms upon sighting the bandits on the school premises. Despite the alarming situation, there has been no official reaction from the state government. Samuel Aruwan, the Overseeing Commissioner of the Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs, did not respond to a text message. Similarly, the State Police Command Public Relations Officer, ASP Mansir Hassan, could not be reached by phone, and he is yet to reply to a text message.